Session1: Crypto Assets and Unicorns Chair: Jeongsun Yun (Kookmin Univ.)

Tile Author Discussant
Staking, Token Pricing, and Crypto Carry Lin William Cong (Cornell Univ.)
Zhiheng He* (Tsinghua Univ.)
Ke Tang (Tsinghua Univ.)
Huisu Jang
(Soongsil Univ.)
In Search of A Unicorn Felix Zhiyu Feng
(Univ. of Washington)
Yifan Luo* (Univ. of Washington)
Hyun Soo Doh
(NanyangTechnological Univ.)
Tax-Loss Harvesting with Cryptocurrencies Lin William Cong (Cornell Univ.)
Wayne Landsman (Univ. of North Caroline) Edward Maydew
(Univ. of North Caroline)
Daniel Rabetti* (Tel Aviv Univ.)
Byung Hwa Lim
(Sungkyunkwan Univ.)

Session2: Derivative Securities Chair: Youngsoo Choi (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)

Tile Author Discussant
Price Discovery in China’s Crude Oil Futures Markets: An Emerging Asian Benchmark? Ziliang Yu (Nankai Univ.)
Jian Yang (Nankai Univ.)
Robert I. Webb* (Univ.of Virginia)
Hyoung-Goo Kang
(Hanyang Univ.)
Hedging Pressure and Commodity Option Prices Ing-Haw Cheng (Univ. of Toronto)
Ke Tang (Tsinghua Univ.)
Lei Yan* (Yale Univ.)
Yuen Jung Park
(Hallym Univ.)
Closing Pressure, Predatory Trading, and the Negative Price of Oil Yiqing Ge* (Tsinghua Univ.)
Wenjin Kang (Shanghai Univ.)
Ke Tang (Tsinghua Univ.)
Liyan Yang (Toronto Univ.)
Sang-Ik Seok
(Univ. of Ulsan)

Session 3: : Corporate Finance Chair: Heejin Park (Pusan National Univ.)

Tile Author Discussant
Dancing with Family Owners:
Is Shareholder Activism Effective in Family Firms?
Jun-Koo Kang
(Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Hyemin Kim* (Hanyang Univ.)
Jungmin Kim
(Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Jong-Min Oh
(Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Stress Tests and Model Monoculture Keshav Dogra
(Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Keeyoung Rhee* (POSTECH)
Jimin Hong
(Soongsil Univ.)
Contingent Employment and Innovation Sunwoo Hwang* (Korea Univ.) Jiyoon Lee
(Yonsei Univ.)

Session 4: ESG Chair: Kyojik “Roy” Song (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)

Tile Author Discussant
The Effect of ESG-motivated Turnover on Firm
Financial Risk
Daewoung Choi (Louisiana State Univ.)
Yong Kyu Gam* (Univ. College Dublin)
Min Jung Kang (Univ. of Michigan)
Hojong Shin (California State Univ.)
Hee-Eun Kim
(Myongji Univ.)
Are Socially Responsible Firms Really
Responsible? Main Street Lending during
the Great Recession
Dong Beom Choi*
(Seoul National Univ.)
Seongjoon Jeong
(Seoul National Univ.)
Hyun-Soo Choi
ESG Commitment and the Value of
“Walking the Talk”:
Evidence from Closed-End Funds
Hyun-Soo Choi (KAIST)
Hugh Hoikwang Kim*
(Univ. of South Carolina)
Yun-Soo Kim (KAIST)
Bonha Koo
(Chungnam National Univ.)

Session 5: Fixed Income Securities Chair: Byoung Ki Seo (UNIST)

Tile Author Discussant
Foreign Debt, Exchange Rate Exposure, and Corporate Distress Yancheng Qiu*
(Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology)
Junyoup Lee
A Linear-rational Multi-curve Term
Structure Model with Stochastic Spread
Jose Da Fonseca
(World Bank Group and Universite Paris 1 Pantheon)
Komi Edem Dawui*
(World Bank Group and Universite Paris 1 Pantheon)
Yannick Malevergne
(World Bank Group and Universite Paris 1 Pantheon)
Jaehyuk Choi
(Peking Univ.)
Abnormal Downside Tail Risk as a
Predictor of the Risky Bond Returns
Jisu Ahn
(Shinhan Asset Management)
Injun Hwang* (Korea Univ.)
Baeho Kim (Korea Univ.)
(Simon) Shin

Session 6: Market Microstructure Chair: : Bong-Gyu Jang (POSTECH)

Tile Author Discussant
High-frequency Trading in the Stock
Market and the Costs of Option Market Making
Nimalendran Mahendrarajah
(Univ. of Florida)
Khaladdin Rzayev*
(University of Edinburgh and Koç
Satchit Sagade (Goethe Univ.)
Donggyu Kim
Trading Constraints in Continuous-time
Kyle Models
Jin Hyuk Choi (UNIST)
Heeyoung Kwon* (UNIST)
Kasper Larsen (Rutgers Univ.)
Jungsuk Han
(Seoul National Univ.)
In Pursuit of a Level Trading Field:
An Empirical Examination of IEX's Crumbling
Quote Remove Fee
Seongkyu "Gilbert" Park*
(Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Patrik Sandas (Univ. of Virgina)
Albert J. Lee
(Truman State Univ.)

Session 7: : Mutual Funds Chair: : Jaewon Choi (Univ. of Illinois and Yonsei Univ.)

Tile Author Discussant
Mutual Fund Flows and Capital Supply in
Municipal Financing
Manuel Adelino(Duke Univ.)
Sophia Chiyoung Cheong*
(City Univ. of Hong Kong)
Jaewon Choi
(Univ. of Illinois and Yonsei Univ.)
Ji Yeol Jimmy Oh (Hanyang Univ.)
Junho Oh
(Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Distributor-level Competition among Mutual Funds : Price vs. Product Quality Byoung Uk Kang
(Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Jennifer Eunkyeong Lee* (KAIST)
Yongkil Ahn
(Seoul National
Univ. of Science and
Outsourced Fund and Risk-taking:
A Tale of Two Contracts
Jung Hoon Lee* (Vanderbilt Univ.)
Saurin Patel
(Univ. of Western Ontario)
Shyam Venkatesan
(Univ. of Western Ontario)
Byoung Uk Kang
(Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)

Session 8: Investments Chair: Kuan-Hui Lee (Seoul National Univ.)

Tile Author Discussant
In Search of a Factor Model for Option
Turan Bali (Georgetown Univ.)
Jie Cao (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)
Linjia Song*
(Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)
Xintong Zhan (Fudan Univ.)
Woon Wook Jang
(Yonsei Univ.)
Expectation-Driven Term Structure of Equity and Bond Yields Ming Zeng* (Univ. of Gothenburg)
Guihai Zhao (Bank of Canada)
Heungju Park
(Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Politicians’ Asset Allocation and Economic Bill Proposals Hyun-Soo Choi (KAIST)
Hugh Hoikwang Kim
(Univ. of South Carolina)
Paul Youngwook Kim* (KAIST)
Jin Q. Jeon
(Dongguk Univ.)

Session 9: Empirical Finance Chair: Kaun Young Lee (Chung-Ang Univ.)

Tile Author Discussant
Risk Hedging and Loan Covenants Yuri Tserlukevich* (ASU) Junho Park
(Myongji Univ.)
Environmental Regulation, Pollution, and Shareholder Wealth Seungho Choi*
(Queensland Univ. of Technology)
Ross Levine
(Univ. of California at Berkeley)
Jonghyeon Park
(Univ. of New South Wales)
Simon Xu
(Univ. of California at Berkeley)
Taehyun Kim
(Chung-Ang Univ.)
Who has an Edge in Trading Index Derivatives? Jeewon Jang (Ajou Univ.)
Jangkoo Kang (KAIST)
Jaeram Lee* (Gachon Univ.)
Hyo Seob Lee
(Korea Capital Market Institute)


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